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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/coffincowgirl on 2023-07-05 05:30:20+00:00.

Hi guys, so kind of an interesting situation. My (F20) boyfriend (M23) and I have been together for a year but it’s honestly been such a whirlwind (in a good way) because before me he had never been in a relationship or had sex. I’ve had plenty of relationships, some that have ended in my heart ripped to shreds, and some where I’m still friends with my exes (I hate ending things on bad terms) and a few sexual partners. He told me right off the bat when we first started dating he had a foot fetish. I was hesitant but I’ve always prided myself on being open minded so I went with it. It hasn’t been a deal breaker but something has been bothering me. Even before him, no man has ever eaten me out, no one’s stuck around long enough for that. Sexually, he’s grown a lot since we started dating and I’m really proud of how far he’s come. But he’s never even mentioned or attempted to eat me out. I figured it’d be best to just ask if it’s ever gonna have a go at it and he said yes, eventually but it’s honestly kinda driving me nuts, I feel like there’s something wrong with me. I know he’s not super adventurous and that’s fine but this is one thing that gets on my last nerve. I was totally cool about the foot thing but this is all I want. What do you guys think? I have no idea what to do.