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The original was posted on /r/velo by /u/kosmonaut_hurlant_ on 2023-09-27 14:51:18.

Been watching some training vids specific to runners, and they basically equate low HR training to some guy named Phil Maffetone who apparently “came up” with this sort of thing only about 15 years ago, then in the cycling world we have Seiler with “polarized” which sounds effectively the same (majority of training is at or below aerobic max, with intervals (runners call it speedwork), and now guys like San Millan sort of playing semantics to brand this way of training as something of his own… How far back to “base building” go? I would think it’s an extremely old way of training, going back at least 50 maybe even 100 years? All of this stuff is laid out in Friel’s book which was first published in the mid 90s.