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The original was posted on /r/minimalism by /u/RecklessExplorer0716 on 2023-09-28 00:03:40.

I’ve been decluttering and trying to get my life back together for months, after many failed attempts I recently decided to try The Minimalists’ “packing party” declutter method. Basically in case you didn’t know that’s when you pack everything you own in boxes and anything you don’t pull out within 6-12months you don’t need and can get rid of. The downside is now I have all these boxes sitting in my apartment and looks like I just moved in or something.

Anyway, the question in the title popped up in my head today, I move every 2 years (give or take), my last move was 900 miles and was very last minute that I only had 2 weeks to pack, clean my old place and make the drive. It was insane, I wouldn’t recommend, and I’m trying to make it so if I ever had to do that again it wouldn’t be an issue.