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The original was posted on /r/outside by /u/The_bong_nudist on 2023-09-29 16:39:52.

Hello Fellow Gamers, I am playing from the Subcontinent server and currently level 24. All senior players of my clan advised me on discord to pursue the “Getting a Job” mission path as they said it is one of the Win Conditions of the game and completing it will ensure the unlocking of the happiness Trait giving access to a large number of gold and other servers, well I did that putting my in game hours into the boring education and examination missions and minigames but now, I have unlocked the depression Trait which makes my character be unresponsive of commandas and give me auto suggestion of quiting the game, It has also messed up my hunger and sleep stats and the morale bar is at 1 HP, the overall HP of my character is also staying below 50 most of the time.

Thus, I seek advice from hardened gamers to reverse this trait and possible game paths to unlock happiness Trait.