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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Backupakcount on 2023-09-29 18:56:45.

For some context I(46M) was married to my ex-wife Ida(46F) for 21 years before she cheated and remarried to her now dick of a husband Dan(48M). We have 4 kids together. Henry(28M), Zach(26M), Cam(25M) and Rory(15F). This situation only really involves Rory.

Since My boys were teens/young adults when we divorced they got to choose who they lived with. Rory on the other hand didn’t. I have Rory most of the time I pay for her schooling, medical, extra curriculars, ect. While Ida and Dan get her every other Holiday and don’t really pay for stuff. Well For the 4th of July Rory went over to Ida and Dan’s then stayed there until about a week before school started. Rory confided in me that the whole time she was there She couldn’t really do anything fun and was stuck watching her younger siblings while Dan and Ida went out. She told me she felt like a babysitter more than a daughter, which hurt my heart for Rory, since she was really excited to see her mother. She also told me she’d like to stick with visits again and not staying for a whole month or 2.

Well about 2nights ago I got a call from Ida, she seemed happy and started talking about Rory and how she liked it there. She continued to ramble a bit before asking for me to ask Rory about staying another month. I laughed which caused Ida to be mad and she hung up. Dan texted me calling me an ass for laughing at her, and my brother said it was kind of mean to do. AITA??

(Edit: I honestly didn’t mean to laugh, I don’t know why I did.)