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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/otaway23 on 2023-09-30 17:03:05.

My mom’s a deadbeat. She had an affair with some dude, got pregnant and left. What made it even worse was that her affair baby was a boy and I’m a girl. She never wanted a girl. While she wasn’t a terrible mom to me when she was around, I’m not surprised she left the second she found out she was having a boy.

Anyways, this baby is 18 now. “Max” and I never knew each other. I saw him as a baby a couple times but my mom stopped trying to see me after a while so I knew nothing about him.

Well, my mom contacted me out of the blue the other day saying that Max is gone. Like he left and she can’t reach him. I was concerned for a bit but then I realized he requested me on instagram some time before so I checked his social media and he had very recent activity (I’m talking like posted 10 mins ago) and he seemed fine. If I had to guess I’d say he’s with a friend atm as he’s always posting on his story with his friend.

I told her that he’s probably fine but she wouldn’t let it go and showed up at my dad’s house. My dad’s really unwell and his wife is visiting her family so he called me to help him out and when I got there my mom was in tears saying that Max has mental illnesses and PTSD, OCD, bipolar whatever. Apparently he doesn’t take his meds either.

Maybe I’m just a horrible person but idk why she thinks any of that is our concern and secondly I just don’t believe her. I know it’s highly ignorant to say that Max doesn’t seem to be mentally ill to the extent she’s claiming and I know its even worse to assume he’s fine based on social media.

But I just can’t believe her. She has a history of lying to me to get pity/sympathy too.

Anyways, she started yelling at my dad and called him horrible things just because he told her that she should be asking Max’s father for help so obviously I cut in and told her that if she didn’t leave I’d call the police. She called me heartless and begged me to believe her but I sort of brushed her off and said that she’s literally the last person I’d trust and I’m not surprised Max ran off. She called me terrible, started crying even more and said she’d send me proof (I’ve yet to see this proof btw).

I don’t really feel bad but it’s weird seeing my mom so upset. She’s usually very put together which makes me wonder if she’s telling the truth but regardless I don’t really care. But AITA for how I behaved? Especially my comment about Max running off.