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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/CornerRight4438 on 2023-09-28 14:59:10.

Here’s my question- maybe everyone can help me figure out a list of things someone should check to be sure it’s a real and functioning HOA? Do potential buyers have access to meeting minutes, HOA records, etc, can the seller request and provide those? How can a buyer verify things are on the up and up, I thought a realtor and title company was supposed to do that, but apparently not.

Backstory: Our HOA is fucked. When we bought, almost 10 years ago now, realtor gave me contact info for the board president who emailed me what they said was CCR’s. Then over the years owners voted on an even newer version of CCR’s. Come to find out many years later, none of the new CCR’s were ever filed with the courts as required. But never knew it was required. A much older, original version of CCR’s from the 1980’s is the only thing ever recorded. Thing is, I would’ve never bought based on what is recorded. But my realtor and everyone when buying said it was all good. There’s more to the story: 2/3 of our owners are absentee and live out of state. So we never have enough participation, and the fuckers who’ve controlled everything since it was built still maintain tight control. No meetings, no proper records, no nothing, except bills each year.

EDIT: I reversed the order of paragraphs above, because I am NOT asking what to do with our situation. I’m looking for what a realtor, title company, or attorney is supposed to be checking to be sure everything is on the up and up.