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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/HugeCarbonEmissions on 2023-09-30 00:02:22.

We have an HOA board, actually just one guy on the HOA board who makes all the decisions, who has decided that it is ok that about half the units in the HOA that can not get fiber based broadband due to a recently discovered construction defect, and they do not actually need fiber based broadband. He basically is adamant that no HOA money be spent to fix the construction defects. He has a history of being obsessively let’s say frugal. He has decided, on his own, that other lesser broadband options are good enough for those owners. He made this decision without asking all of the affected owners how they feel about it. He thinks cellular based wireless options are good enough for them, that they won’t know the difference. Right now these affected units only option is Comcast.

My question is, would I have to disclose that fact to the new potential owner of my unit, that my unit won’t ever be able to get real fiber broadband as long as the current HOA board is in power? Maybe never.