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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/Ok-Inspection-8984 on 2023-09-30 18:04:16.

Բարև սիրելի ընկերներ,

I am Italian and of course I stand with you.I am deeply saddened by what’s happening.I think it’s impossible for a human being who still has some humanity to not fall in love with you,your history,your amazing Church.

I started learning your beautiful language and hope to visit Armenia one day.

I write posts for Italian audiences,because nobody,except some article,talks about this horrendous situation and the average Italian doesn’t know that a place called Artsakh/Karabakh exists.Also,I try to make some small donations.

Is there something more I can do?Every suggestion is well accepted.

Շնորհակալություն։Կեցցե Հայաստանը!