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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/iamlisa47 on 2023-10-01 12:48:53.

My husband [58] and I [47] recently concluded a 24 year long marriage a few months ago in an amicable fashion.

Abusive, manipulative, volatile and controlling are some of the words I could use to describe him towards the latter part of our relationship after a very rosy first 15 years of marriage.

Needless to say, I am living my best life post divorce. You take for granted the value of independence until you finally realize and feel what it used to be!

An old friend of mine took me out a couple nights and ever since then I’ve felt im back in my teenage years with my sex drive on full capacity. Not just that, my work and overall lifestyle and happiness is liberated through my freedom and independence.

I hope everyone who has been through what I have, found solace and happiness back in your life