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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/hoelysin on 2023-10-02 01:46:50.
The past 4 days have been a nightmare but all my friends are alluding to me overreacting. But seriously. Migraines, tension headaches, two week early period, cold sweats, insomnia, going to the bathroom every five seconds, the worst abdominal cramps ever, crying over nothing. The list goes on and on. But why do other people not get these symptoms or maybe they just get 1?
My pharmacist was super casual about it. I thought I might feel nauseous for a couple hours at worst. This hasn’t happened to anyone I know or even the other people I’ve seen online experiences.
I’m convincing myself I’m just a weakling bc why tf am I so world stoppingly affected by a lil plan b???
So my question is, did you have a good or bad experience with plan b? Any symptoms? How long for?