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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/kevi2020 on 2023-10-02 08:07:53.
Hi I’m 23 and I’ve been friends with this girl for more than 5 years I met her online on PlayStation and we met up in real life. She visited me and stayed in a hotel and we both went out to a few bars and had drinks. She was very flirty in person and I didn’t know what way to take it so I flirted back but I didn’t think anything of it as the night went on we were drinking even more we went back to her hotel. I said to her I was gonna sleep in the next room and she had told me to sleep in the bed with her. So I did at this stage I was exhausted and wanted to pass out I got into bed with her. I took my jeans off and t shirt and rolled over to the side of the bed to try and sleep and she said are you not gonna fuck me? At this stage is was confused I’ve known this girl for years and talked mostly every day I never felt that way towards her but ended up having sex with her and was the best sex I’ve had. We haven’t really talked since that but she had messaged me a few times about meeting up again.