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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/illarionds on 2023-10-02 14:16:35.

I’m at the stage of getting quotes to get air conditioning installed, but it’s important to me that whatever I get integrates well into Home Assistant, and none of the installers I’ve spoken to know the first thing about it.

I’m not really interested in hacking anything together, building my own controller, anything like that (or rather, I would be interested, but I don’t have the time, and I know from past experience that I end up with half finished projects that never work quite right that way :D ). So no, I want something that works pretty much out of the box, and is manufacturer supported, or at least approved.

Fully local would be great, but I’m willing to sacrifice this if necessary in favour of fully functional, reliable, and manufacturer approved.

Does anyone have any suggestions for hardware? My best quote so far has included either Toshiba Seiya or Fujitsu ASYG09KPCE. Both of these have optional wifi modules, but I have no idea if that means they can integrate into HA, or merely be controlled with a proprietary app.

Anyone got any stories to tell about doing this themselves?