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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/MotherofOtters25 on 2023-10-02 18:47:00.

I’ve always liked having sex, but I am Demisexual. So I need to form an emotion connection with the person I’m with before having a sexual connection. So I’ve never found people just attractive by looking at them, or had strong desires to self pleasure.

But I enjoyed having sex when it was with my previous partners. I suffered from bad self esteem and body images which sometimes caused intimacy to struggle in a relationship, but once I was doing the act I was happy and into it. I just sometimes struggled to initiate.

However, in the last 6 weeks, my long term bf broke up with me and I was raped by someone I met that night at a bar. Since then, I have been insanely horny. Like to the point where I think about sex multiple times a day. I think about all the new ways I’d fuck or want to fuck my ex if we ever got back together. I’ve self pleasured pretty much everyday like 2-5 times a day. It’s gone from like one end of the spectrum to the other.

Is this normal? I’ve been broken up with before. I’ve been SA before. I know sometimes hyper sexuality can be a symptom but this just feels weird. Has anybody had this before?

Could this just be a mix of better body confidence? I’m really confused and I’m struggling with dealing with the feelings that come up all day long.

Thank you in advance.