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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/lizgasm on 2023-10-02 22:10:15.

So, first some backstory/context. My son is 7 and his “best friend”, who we’ll call George, have been friends for four years. They’ve both been to each others bday parties the last few years. I’m a single mom and my son is my only child so whenever I take him somewhere (skatepark, swimming, the park, the fair, local Waterpark, etc) I always invite George to come so my son has someone other than just me to have fun with. We’ve also been invited to events at their house as well. We live across the street so the boys are ALWAYS playing together either here or there. They pretty much do everything together.

On to the issue… George’s bday is this Thursday so I was expecting to hear about his party soon, last week I even asked him what he wanted, present wise.

Well yesterday my son wanted to go outside and play and ofc went over to ask if George could come outside. George’s dad answered the door and said that he wasn’t home. Ok, no biggie. My son came back home and decided to do something else for a bit. After a little while I offered to go out front with my son to play since it was so nice outside. When we went out our other neighbors were out too (they have a daughter that my son likes to play with too). So my son asked if she could come out and play. That’s when the bomb dropped. Her mom said that she was at George’s bday party! And asked why we weren’t there… now apparently their daughter, in her mother’s words, invited herself to go and George’s family said yes. So I thought, ‘Well maybe this party was just for family and he’ll have another party for his friends to come to’. George has a pretty big family and they’ve done stuff like that before. So I figured I’d ask George today when I get him and my son from the bus stop.

So today, during our walk I asked George if he was having another party for friends and he said, no. Now according to him my son was supposedly invited. Since hearing that I’ve checked my phone to see if I missed a text or a call, which I haven’t. I checked through our mail/mailbox to see if I missed an invitation, and didn’t find anything. I also thought back to yesterday when my son went over to ask if George could come outside and all his dad said was that he wasn’t home, deliberately leaving out that the party was about to happen soon, wherever it was taking place.

Now my son’s feelings are hurt. Heck, my feelings are hurt. I’m also pretty sure there’s no bad blood because earlier today his dad texted me for a favor.

So WIBTA if I asked his family why my son wasn’t invited?