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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/CressNo2769 on 2023-10-03 07:28:51.

I (30,f) was working out at the gym, doing lat pull-downs.

This large man, probably about 35, walks over to me, and as I am beginning to pull down on the bar, he pulls out the key holding the weights in place.

I get so startled, I let go. He puts the key back into the weights, one weight lighter than I was doing it, and he says I need to do a lighter weight because that was too heavy for me.

I probably would’ve knocked myself out with the bar if I hadn’t let go when I did. I could’ve been extremely injured.

I am furious and in shock. I get up and go straight to the front desk. I complain and the girl at the desk is barely listening to me, like the words don’t even enter her brain. Her colleague comes out and I tell him, and he’s like, “Yeah, sorry.”

I ask for a manager, and that guy is just trying to placate me and saying it doesn’t matter because if I didn’t see that guy before then I probably won’t see him again after today.

So, I call the police. The front desk people are in shock. The police come and question the man and don’t really do anything either, but I feel like scared the sh-t out of everyone, for better or worse.

I called my friend after, and he starts yelling at me, saying I’m a terrible person for doing that and you can’t just call the police in Philly and I’ve made everything worse for me at the gym because of what I did. And I get it, like, I’m a privileged white woman, asking to speak to the manager, calling the police on someone who didn’t commit a crime.

But at the same time, I wouldn’t have felt safe going to the gym and seeing that man if I hadn’t done something, and I would’ve been on the hook hundreds of dollars for my gym contract still. At least now he might know better than to mess with me, but I feel like that’s something an AH would say.

TLDR; Called the police on a man in the gym for changing my weights in the middle of a rep because the gym management wouldn’t do anything

Edit: to clarify, he changed the weights while I was in the middle of lifting and I would’ve been very injured if I hadn’t let go at the exact right second. I could’ve gotten a concussion or broken my jaw.

Edit 1.5: I DID yell at him, and he had basically no reaction to it and just reiterated he was “helping” me

Edit 2: OK if you think I’m the AH then… what? Just quit the gym and be out $800? Let the guy pull that crap again, but this time I end up passed out with a concussion or broken bone?