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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/8billionaliens on 2023-10-03 07:30:23.

I received some messages asking for an update on the tiny void baby I adopted a year and a half ago.

Unfortunately for me, the fall out of telling people the actual reason eventually led to myself and my ex splitting. Fortunately, I think it was by far the best outcome.

I ended up naming her Freja, and she is still the light of my life. For the last year and a half, we’ve battled hard to get her healthy. She’s had her shoulder and jaw realigned, 6 teeth removed due to extreme dental issues, and we’ve finally managed to get her ear infections under control after 9 rounds of medication and a surgical cleaning. I spent around 5k getting these issues fixed, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

She has also gone from being extremely underweight (2.6lbs) to a healthy 7.7lbs. She is my baby, whole world, and it’s hard imagine what my life would be like without her.

Previously she would only eat the worst food you could buy, we’ve managed to get her to eat premium grade wet and dry food, as well as transition onto eating some real food (fish, chicken). She plays now, loves anything that has feathers, and is always extremely grateful for any new thing she is given, be it a small toy or a new cat stand.

She has 2 sisters now, and 2 dog brothers who she loves to terrorise. She has become a “the sky is awake, so I’m awake, so GET UP!” child, no sleep ins allowed. She is my teddy bear and sleeps in a king size bed every night!