I’ve noticed that new posts aren’t coming through from the subreddits, and newly requested subreddits aren’t getting the automated response either. Seems to have stopped about 3 days ago.
Apologies if this is known/planned, but seeing as I couldn’t see any announcement about it I figured I ought to report it.
Apparently the fix is to update the RSS feed URL to use the
domain https://lemdro.id/comment/1165007@[email protected] you should give it a try. I personally will tomorrow if I have the time.
Hmm, seems like the Lemmit scripts are already using
. As linked by BlackEco above: https://gitlab.com/sab_from_earth/lemmit/-/blob/develop/src/reddit/reader.py#L46. The format is a little different, though; the Lemmit scripts use.../r/subredditname/.rss
whereas that post you linked to says.../r/subredditname.rss
.Also, just FYI, your mention of the admin doesn’t seem to have worked. If it doesn’t come up in the suggestion list to select, I think it works if you just create a link:
[@[email protected]](https://lemmit.online/u/admin)
. That’s all that selecting a user from the suggestion popup seems to do, anyway.