I’ve noticed that new posts aren’t coming through from the subreddits, and newly requested subreddits aren’t getting the automated response either. Seems to have stopped about 3 days ago.
Apologies if this is known/planned, but seeing as I couldn’t see any announcement about it I figured I ought to report it.
I think the bot is not working for a few days now
My bad. The bot had crashed and I don’t have any monitoring set up at the moment.
The mentions did work, but unfortunately liftoff doesn’t explicitly sends notifications for mentions if you don’t manually check the account.
All good! You have my gratitude (and I’m sure of many other people) for the time and effort you’ve put into setting up and running this service!
I’m 99% sure it has to do with changes Reddit made to kill their RSS feeds, since Lemmit uses a sub’s RSS feed to fetch new posts.
Apparently the fix is to update the RSS feed URL to use the
domain https://lemdro.id/comment/1165007@[email protected] you should give it a try. I personally will tomorrow if I have the time.
Hmm, seems like the Lemmit scripts are already using
. As linked by BlackEco above: https://gitlab.com/sab_from_earth/lemmit/-/blob/develop/src/reddit/reader.py#L46. The format is a little different, though; the Lemmit scripts use.../r/subredditname/.rss
whereas that post you linked to says.../r/subredditname.rss
.Also, just FYI, your mention of the admin doesn’t seem to have worked. If it doesn’t come up in the suggestion list to select, I think it works if you just create a link:
[@[email protected]](https://lemmit.online/u/admin)
. That’s all that selecting a user from the suggestion popup seems to do, anyway.